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Coronavirus Pandemic IIMC 

May 2021

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COVID care Nutritious Diet Package


IIMC COVID19 support team and frontline workers prepare and distribute the 'COVID Care Nutritious Diet Package' to Covid19-affected families.  Each package contains 20 types of ready food and essentials. 


The video shows IIMC distributing food in a coastal IIMC School used as a shelter home for families affected by Cyclone Yos.

April 2021

 In the complexity of a Covid19 Tsunami...


It was  a country with 1.3 billion people in a Covid19 crisis. People were struggling to breathe and resources were stretched. With the shortage of oxygen supply and medical personnel the hospital management was over burdened with sick people and people who were frightened, scared and did not know where to go. The death rate was increasing everyday. There were not enough rooms in the burning ghats and burial space in graveyards. 

Update August/September 2020















UPDATE:  March - June 2020 Activity Report 


Download and read IIMC Team's day-by-day account of their response to the COVID-19 lockdown & Super Cyclone Amphan. 


April 2020

Rural village mothers
"700 rural villages - mothers from these villages are members of IIMC - some in our Woman Peace Council, some run little businesses with our microcredit loan which are now no longer active because of the 100% lockdown. Most of them have been living on their daily earnings from 'hand to mouth'. They are the ones who are suffering the most and are unable to even have 2 meals a day."


Churches, mosques and temples are closed. Universities, colleges and schools are off. The world has shut down her doors. People are suffering, struggling and starving. Every day we, in our IIMC Mission, are serving food and distributing essential commodities among poor and destitute families who were living on daily work but now can't work and have no money."


Our sponsors and trustees have donated generously to help IIMC get through this difficult time.

"Thank you, everyone, for your donation and contribution during this catastrophic crisis period,"

Dr Sujit Brahmochary.

Read more on what Dr Sujit and his COVID-19 respond team have been doing on IIMC (India)'s Facebook page.


The President and 5 members of the South East Kolkata Rotary Club at the IIMC Indoor Campus with supplies of Sanitizers, Masks, Sanitary Napkins, Biscuits and  Cakes.

Download and read a Short Report on the Covid-19 situation thus far in IIMC Kolkata.

Damage by AmPhan Cyclone and Manson Water

In May 2020, Super Cyclone Amphan ravaged through IIMC Kolkata and parts of West Bengal adding to the hardship and miseries the people have been experiencing from the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown.  The Children's Campus was damaged by the AmPhan Cyclone and Manson Water. IIMC's Children Centre will get a new floor, play ground, playing instruments and new space.


Dr Sujit and IIMC are reconstructing the ground with collected wasted pieces of marvel stone to create a beautiful lawn and play ground for the resident children.


Here is a letter from Dr. Sujit on how IIMC had been coping with the Pandemic Lockdown, the Amphan Cyclone & Super Monsoon Flood.  â€‹Please donate and help us support the work of IIMC  during the coronavirus pandemic crisis. Thank You


 Durga Puja celebration


This year the children of IIMC could not celebrate Durga Puja, a national (West Benga) festival because of Coronavirus. Here was what the children did for Durga Puja.

Happy Dewali

The children of IIMC could not celebrate Dewali in their usual way because of the COVID19 situation.


Sponsors from IIMC-USA arranged a Big Dewali Lunch for residential children and IIMC volunteers. All children were given new dresses to wear.

 'Food and Essential Commodities' packs.


The packs have 9 items - Rice, Dhal, Soya Chunk, Potatoes, Onion, Muri, Sugar, Biscuits, Dettol Soap.


8th April
IIMC's COVID-19 Response Team distributed food to four hospitals in Kolkata, some HIV patients & also to some of the poorest families in Narendrapur PS area.

15th April
The  IIMC team distributed food packages to  very poor families at the Dhaki Centre in Sundarban Island

17th April
IIMC's COVID-19  Respond Team distributed food packages to rural village mothers and to Peace Council members  in the South 24 Parganas District 
IIMC - Sewing Unit responds to COVID-19

IIMC's Sewing Unit producing protective Coronavirus face masks.

IIMC's  Sewing Unit and Women's Cooperative producing protective Coronavirus face masks.

"We will distribute the masks to mothers, children,  sponsored students and others,"  Dr Brahmochary
Every day the IIMC COVID19 & Cyclone Response Team prepare hundreds of food packages for distribution to affected families and the very poor and destitute.
In July 2020 the IIMC Team organised a Nutritious Diet and Food Packages distribution among 160 malnourished Mothers and Children. 

All these distribution and support were made possible because of the generous donations from sponsors in the UK.

©  IIMC (UK)  Registered Charity No. 1066834 

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